We want to shake the audience's emotions and senses. We want that witness the show means to be part of that history, of the smells, of the breaths of the characters on stage

Ponten Pie manifesto

Ponten Pie Sergi Ots

Ponten Pie was born as a professional artistic project by the actor and director Sergi Ots in 2009. With a firm statement of intent, we began to produce shows in unconventional formats, site specifics and limited capacity audiences, seeking a very special and direct interaction with the audiences and their way of living a theatrical experience. With a discipline that rides between physical and movement theater, and visual theater, sometimes combined with other disciplines such as dance, comedy or circus acts, we created our first shows that catapulted us to festivals and theaters around the world. Our productions have a clearly identifiable aesthetic seal and care of staging is one of our priorities. Expressing ourselves through visual proposals, in our creations we have used concepts and elements ranging from gastronomy, cold or water, to give them their own identity and make them narrators of a story where the public feels challenged to get involved emotionally.

Over the years, the small formats have opened doors to orders for large format productions where we transfer the same visual and narrative bases of the small proposals, offering multidisciplinary, poetic, and visually surprising shows. These new forms have allowed us to grow and consolidate ourselves as show producers, where we can always experiment and continue researching without losing our essence

Artistic direction
Sergi Ots

Sergi Ots 2

Photography: David Ruano

Born in Santa Coloma de Gramenet in 1985, he was always involved from a very young age in the cultural network of the city. Trained in the arts of movement as well as mask and clown work, he began his professional life at a young age, highlighting his time at the Gran Teatro Del Liceo in Barcelona, La Fura dels Baus, Comedians or with Cirque du Soleil where at the age of 21 he worked as a clown and master of ceremonies for the “Dralion” show. At the age of 23, he undertook his personal project “Ponten Pie”, to which he now dedicates all his energy and time. With Ponten Pie he specialized in productions of limited capacity and notable uniqueness, and later began his artistic direction of large formats working for Barcelona City Council. Since then he has been working in these two very different formats.