
On tour

Premiere venueFestival Temporada Alta

Created in2021


Performances done83

2023 Finalist for MAX

Best children, young, family show

2023 Finalist for MAX

Best costume design

2023 Finalist for MAX

Best children, young, family show

2023 Finalist for MAX

Best costume design

Artistic and technical team

  • Original idea, set conception and direction

    Sergi Ots

  • Creation

    Sergi Ots, Mariona Moya

  • Set design

    Sergi Ots, Mariona Moya

  • Costume

    Marcel Bofill, Nahoko Maeshima

  • Music

    Joel Condal, Marcel Fabregat (Eslàstica)

  • Set construction and painting

    Carles Piera

  • Lamps and atrezzo construction

    Jordi Dorado

  • Technician, water systems and artifacts

    Pau Segalés

  • Movement advisor

    Olga Cobos

  • Technical assistant

    Iñaki Santos

  • Lighting

    Ponten Pie

  • Cast

    Natàlia Méndez, Borja Nieto

  • Production

    Ponten Pie

  • Administrative management

    La Destil·leria

  • Thanks to

    Our families, Companyia Estampades, Isaac Lucas, Jaume Grau, La Fura dels Baus, Adrià Pinar, Clàudia Saez, Victor Peralta and Eduard Tàpia.

With support from:

  • Festival Temporada Alta


  • ICEC

  • Institut Ramon Llull

  • La Sala /Festival El Petit

  • Ajuntament de Sant Feliu de Codines


Our first cell as a human being develops in a membrane full of water. There, our feet, arms and nails grow. Our heart beats for the first time. Also, our hair, our stomach grow there, and we have our first hiccup. Embraced by water, we start to feel, and we open up our eyes for the first time. We are usually loved, fed and caressed being there. Why not, then, live there, in water?

Having a dry mouth is an unmistakable sign that our environment is wrong and unsuitable for us. Or this is what we have believed in order to let our imagination fly and create this dramaturgy.
This show is a visual fantasy where through objects, body and, the research of the water element as another actor in the scene, takes place an internal dialogue in someone who asks himself about his origin as species, his environment and his body wishing to be something that has been denied to him.

I’m thirsty, my mouth is dry, I want water, I want to be a fish, I want to be water.
The show goes through a brother and sister imagination and their will to be someone else, on how this desire becomes reality, through their belief in play, living the experience in an amazing way. Why do we live in the ground if there is a liquid environment? What if Lamarck was right with his theories? We would only need to live in the water in order to adapt to the environment and turn into an aquatic being. Mutating into another body.

In order to title this theatre experience we have chosen Bajau, the name of a Southeast Asian tribe that has adapted to live, at least for a long while, under water. Bajau is a trip where the water versatility drives us into a new universe, a new environment, a place to find ourselves, our origins and what we really want to be.